Stress Is Bad – My Academic and Overall Stress-Prevention 101.


It has been pretty quiet on my blog these days. From writing daily to writing once or maybe twice a week is a pretty drastic change for me, too. This year was somewhat crazy. A lot of changes and adjustments but there has been one thing I have spent a lot on. Making sure that I spent enough time to de-stress, be calm and sort out all this mess that is going through my head. The Master Program at my University is no joke – I thought it would be easy-breezy but it is far from that. So usually, I spend my days at the library on a daily basis. I read, I write and I research. It is all fun, but it can get tiring and overwhelming. Especially, since this semester is almost over. 

Do you still find an empty seat on the third floor at Carleton Library’s Silent Floor? Barely! Everybody tries to get the final assignments and papers in or prepares for exams. Me: Writing a 30-page final paper for a Systemic Functional Linguistics class is also not that much fun. I have had a pretty busy week with a lot on my mind and simply want to sit back and relax (or read for pleasure? what was that all about again?)  but here are some tips that I use to de-stress and help to relax throughout this crazy final-paper-time – physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Candles and Tea

At night, my favorite thing these days is to light some candles, make myself a cup of tea and just relax for a while before I go back to my office to work. Reflect on the day, maybe read something for pleasure or talk to friends. I also love to bake some almonds in the oven and eat those while they are still hot and sip my tea and read. The little things! And then I do not think about my thesis – not at all. Not at all!  Bing-bong! 


I write, read and type all day long. This is my passion. This is what makes me happy. But journaling and blogging is something that somewhat fell behind these days. I used to write in my diary since I learned the alphabet. Now it is somewhat online, and I am thinking about adding different categories on the blog. More about this soon. For now, I want to emphasize that writing is great and such an important part of my life and I always encourage others to write, too. To release thoughts, ideas and whatnot you might come to a conclusion you never thought of. For me, with my blog, it gives me the chance to be honest and I don’t care about being judged. Basically, I just get creative and redirect my focus to something that brings me back into the moment and takes me out of my head and basically into my body. Jogging, bookstore-book browsing, writing, whatever works. 

Healthy Eating. 

I have recently been diagnosed with a severe gastritis and gallstones and I was shocked. I will write a separate post about it all, but in a nutshell: It was one of the most painful experiences in my life. I wonder why this happened because I consider myself a pretty healthy person and my eating habits are also good, I reckon. I am (almost-damn you pho!) vegetarian, smoothy-ing my way into the day and eating a salad at night so what is going on? NO clue! It just happened. We are all vulnerable – even though if we live pretty healthy. Note to self: I have to keep this in mind. 


These days, I love to run in the park. I don’t like going to the gym. Gym is not my thing. But being in nature helps me to de-stess my mind and  body and I am able to relax. It helps me to bring me out of my past or my future and makes me focus on the present. It also helps to release endorphins or any tensions – especially from sitting in the “lieberry” for several hours. I am able to unwind my mind this way. Maybe you can, too. 

Deep Breathing/Sleeping. 

Especially, since my son was born, deep breathing has helped me to calm down. Done properly it is magic and helped me to relax, rest and even promotes mental clarity. The great things is that I can do it everywhere. We breath all day long anyway, right?! I lived in this concrete jungle, New York City, for over ten years so I know what I am talking about when I mention stress. This constant rush of a bustling city can be somewhat overwhelming and I needed time to relax. It is fun and exciting but also scary and way too busy for me. Things can get pretty heavy for city dwellers ,eh?! Sleep is also important. I try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. [Sometimes it might happen that I don’t sleep enough due to artistic intercourse or course work but then it is always worth it in the end anyway

Getting out of Bed in the Morning . 

I know, I know. This Friday class I am taking starts at 8.35 am! WTH! How did I ever sing up for this? Keep in mind, that I also have to take care of Petit Joel. He needs his breakfast and routine, so Mama has to get up on time. I set my alarm clock at 6.30 am and wake up thinking first that I am happy to be awake. Seriously! We should never take this for granted. This already makes me feel good every single day. I do some Yoga and stretching because I literally put my Yoga mat next to my bed to fall onto it. Then I take a shower, start my day with a green Smoothie, wake my son up, make him breakfast and off we go. This little routine makes me feel good every morning and it really helps. I don’t want to rush and be stressed out in the morning already. 

Every single day ins Unique. Cherish every Day. 

I love to observe my surroundings, especially people. I write things down that move or inspire me. Carry a notebook or journal. I write special things down that happen throughout the day, silly or funny thoughts. I enjoy things that make me laugh, cry, happy, sad; things that catch my eye and I will take a picture of it because this way the image will be unique and won’t disappear on me. Observing things with fresh eyes while giving off the energy I want to attract. A smile goes a long way and I reckon small acts of kindness will make all the difference. The more I give, the more I get. I also make sure I do enjoy all this time I spend in the library. I make it work for me. I can do this with everything else, too. Write poetry while taking the bus – write something beautiful for someone you love. [bus poetry I love but I don’t like explications and Words & Meanings] 


Isn’t laughter the best medicine? I always make sure I spend time with those who make me happy and make me laugh because those can always cheer me up whenever I am down. They help put my life back into perspective. It is not that bad after all. 

Also, it is so important for me to have a quiet day here and there and lounge at home while having a lazy evening and watch Paw Patrol with my three year-old son. I can get some rest too while he enjoys this show and I am close to him at the same time. I will make some soul food for him and I and stay positive even though this paper won’t write itself. I embrace it all, anyway. And smile.

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it is not the end”. – John Lennon. 

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